
Sep 15 2023
Michelle Bachelet
The Honorable Michelle Bachelet was elected President of Chile on two occasions (2006 – 2010 and 2014 – 2018). She was the first female president of Chile. She also served …
Sep 15 2023
Helen Clark
Helen Clark is a respected global leader in sustainable development, gender equality and international cooperation, who served as the former Prime Minister of New Zealand. She led policy debates on …
Sep 15 2023
Rola Dashti
Dr. Rola Dashti is the Executive Secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. A leading Kuwaiti economist and long-time champion of women’s rights and gender equality, she …
Sep 15 2023
Bineta Diop
Mme. Bineta Diop is the Special Envoy of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission on Women, Peace, and Security. She is also the founder and President of Femmes Africa …
Sep 15 2023
Patricia Espinosa
H.E. Patricia Espinosa is a Mexican politician and diplomat, who has served as the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Prior, she was Secretary of …
Sep 15 2023
María Fernanda Espinosa
H.E. María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés, a leading Ecuadorian politician and diplomat, served as the President of the seventy-third session of the United Nations General Assembly. She has more than 20 …
Sep 15 2023
Anne Finucane
Anne Finucane, a leading business executive, currently serves as Chair of the Board for Bank of America Europe. Anne most recently served as the first woman Vice Chairman of Bank …
Sep 15 2023
Julia Gillard
H.E. Julia Gillard was the 27th Prime Minister of Australia. She currently serves as the Chair of Beyond Blue, one of Australia’s leading mental health awareness bodies; is the inaugural …
Mar 24 2021
Reema Nanavaty
Reema Nanavaty is an Indian social worker and the head of Self-Employed Women's Association of India (SEWA). Under her leadership, SEWA has grown to become the single largest union of …
Nov 18 2019
Eileen O'Connor
Eileen O’Connor joined The Rockefeller Foundation in 2019 as the Senior Vice President for Communications, Policy, and Advocacy, serving as a strategic adviser to the President, Dr. Rajiv J. Shah …