
Awarded Oct 04-2021
Human Age Digital LLC 2021
in to support of a bilingual digital advertising campaign in Harris County, Texas that is designed to support the work of increasing vaccination rates of BIPOC individuals
    Awarded Oct 01-2021
    MomsRising Education Fund 2021
    in general support of its mission to educate and engage people about the importance of advancing family economic security, ending discrimination, and building a nation where everyone can thrive
      Awarded Nov 03-2021
      National Immigration Law Center 2021
      Toward the cost of the Protecting Immigrant Families Campaign which works to protect immigrants' rights and ensure they can access benefits they're entitled to.
        Awarded Sep 10-2021
        Arizona Community Foundation, Inc. 2021
        to support its EITC Funders Network project towards the cost of leveraging community foundations in hyper-localized CTC outreach for non-filers
          Awarded Aug 06-2021
          R Street Institute 2021
          in support of producing and disseminating research on the effectiveness of the Child Tax Credit
            Awarded Sep 13-2021
            Bread of Life, Inc. 2021
            in support of facilitating access to and confidence in safe, effective vaccination for those most socioeconomically and epidemiologically disadvantaged or most impacted by COVID-19 in Houston, TX, specifically eligible youth.
              Awarded Sep 19-2021
              Alliance for Open Society International, Inc. 2021
              in support of adopting strategies that facilitate access to and confidence in safe, effective vaccination for those most socioeconomically and epidemiologically disadvantaged or most impacted by Covid-19 in Baltimore, specifically low-wage BIPOC, women workers and youth
                Awarded Aug 20-2021
                Boston University 2021
                for use by its Initiative on Cities toward the costs of conducting the annual Menino Survey of Mayors and disseminating the survey findings broadly