
Awarded Oct 04-2021
Chicago Community Trust 2021
in support of driving adoption of strategies that facilitate access to and confidence in safe, effective vaccination for those most socioeconomically and epidemiologically disadvantaged or most impacted by Covid-19 in Chicago, IL, specifically low-wage BIPOC, women workers, and youth.
    Awarded Oct 12-2021
    Roots Community Health Center 2021
    in support of driving adoption of strategies that facilitate access to and confidence in safe, effective vaccination for those most socioeconomically and epidemiologically disadvantaged or most impacted by Covid-19 in Oakland, CA specifically youth aged 12-16
      Awarded Aug 20-2021
      Boston University 2021
      for use by its Initiative on Cities toward the costs of conducting the annual Menino Survey of Mayors and disseminating the survey findings broadly
        Awarded Sep 22-2021
        United Way of Greater Newark 2021
        in support of convening a cohort of youth-serving organizations in the City of Newark to conduct outreach and education in order to increase the number of eligible youth to receive the COVID-19 vaccine
          Awarded Jul 27-2021
          Solid Ground Washington 2021
          toward the costs of its Statewide Poverty Action Network’s efforts to ensure strong and equitable implementation of the earned income tax credit in Washington
            Awarded Aug 19-2021
            Houston in Action 2021
            in support of providing increased access to trusted, safe, and effective vaccination for those most socioeconomically and epidemiologically disadvantaged or most impacted by COVID-19 in Houston, TX, specifically low-wage BIPOC and women workers
              Awarded Dec 08-2021
              Change Machine 2021
              toward the costs of its Tax Truths project to generate widespread public support for a worker-centered tax code that benefits all people
                Awarded Aug 13-2021
                City of Houston 2021
                for use by the Complete Communities Improvement Fund in support of facilitating access to and confidence in safe, effective vaccinations for those most socioeconomically and epidemiologically disadvantaged or most impacted by Covid-19 in Houston, TX, specifically low-wage BIPOC and women workers
                  Awarded Jul 27-2021
                  National Community Stabilization Trust LLC 2021
                  toward the costs of the DASH Fund, a pilot project which provides debt capital to small entrepreneurs who acquire, renovate, and re-sell single-family homes to owner-occupants in Baltimore, MD neighborhoods that have historically suffered from disinvestment
                    Awarded Aug 04-2021
                    Amalgamated Charitable Foundation Inc. 2021
                    toward the costs of its Families and Workers Fund, a collaborative philanthropic effort designed to support and empower workers, families, and communities in the U.S. devastated by the health and economic crises caused by COVID-19