
Awarded Aug 31-2021
Center for Community Change 2021
toward the costs of its project, Workshop, an effort to provide technical assistance and proposal development support for worker rights organizations seeking to improve labor regulations in the U.S.
    Awarded Jun 04-2021
    Center for Taxpayers Rights 2021
    in support of an effort to determine alternatives for the Internal Revenue Service’s administration of the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit to promote transparency, accessibility and due process, and to examine how state taxes impact low-income taxpayers
      Awarded Jun 16-2021
      Hopewell Fund 2021
      for use by its Social and Economic Strategies Center toward the costs of an effort to address geographic economic inequities that persist in small population, typically conservative-leaning states in the U.S.
        Awarded Dec 08-2021
        Change Machine 2021
        toward the costs of its Tax Truths project to generate widespread public support for a worker-centered tax code that benefits all people
          Awarded Jun 04-2021
          Economic Security Project 2021
          for use by Economic Security for Illinois in support of a campaign to promote the benefits of an expanded and modernized state Earned Income Tax Credit to increase financial security for low- and middle-income people in Illinois
            Awarded Jun 04-2021
            Espacios Abiertos Puerto Rico Inc. 2021
            in general support of its mission to bring about long-term systemic change that will protect and safeguard the well-being and economic security of low- and middle-income families in Puerto Rico
              Awarded May 27-2021
              Center for a New Economy, Inc. 2021
              in general support of its mission to find solutions, and inform current debates, based on hard data and robust empirical research, to Puerto Rico’s most pressing and complex economic development problems
                Awarded Sep 28-2021
                SKDKnickerbocker 2021
                toward the costs of a communications campaign to educate the public about the impact of the expanded Child Tax Credit
                  Awarded Jun 22-2021
                  New Venture Fund 2021
                  for use by its Media Democracy Fund’s Disinformation Defense League toward the costs of an effort to disrupt disinformation campaigns deliberately targeting BIPOC communities in the U.S.