
Awarded Mar 24-2021
Houston in Action 2021
in support of providing increased access to trusted, safe, and effective vaccination for those most socioeconomically and epidemiologically disadvantaged or most impacted by COVID-19 in Houston, TX, specifically low-wage BIPOC and women workers
    Awarded Mar 29-2021
    City of Seattle 2021
    for use by its Fire Department in support of mobile COVID-19 vaccination teams and implementing an equitable vaccination program for high-risk city residents
      Awarded Apr 15-2021
      Global Citizen 2021
      in support of a national U.S. campaign to increase COVID-19 vaccination confidence by building community trust in facts and evidence, encouraging healthy behaviors, and wide-scale dissemination of science-based information around vaccine safety and adoption
        Awarded Mar 30-2021
        Brookings Institution 2021
        in support of an initiative to develop a set of streamlined metrics that directly inform the wellbeing of workers in the U.S. and opportunities for economic advancement
          Awarded Feb 17-2021
          Accelerate 500 Inc. 2021
          in support of providing targeted, competitive capital with contextual technical assistance to Latinx and Black entrepreneurs in Baltimore, MD and Jackson, MS to help them navigate uncertainty related to the COVID-19 pandemic and to overcome persistent structural barriers related to race and gender
            Awarded Mar 29-2021
            Faith in Action Network 2021
            in support of the LIVE FREE project, a community engagement and communications campaign to encourage equitable COVID-19 vaccination distribution and acceptance in Oakland, CA
              Awarded Apr 02-2021
              Families USA Foundation, Inc. 2021
              in support of the Driving Equitable Vaccine Distribution and Administration in the COVID-19 U.S. Response, a nationwide effort to achieve equitable vaccination against COVID-19
                Awarded Apr 23-2021
                Black Girls Vote 4 H E R Inc. 2021
                in support of an education, communication and outreach campaign to address COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and improve vaccination rates in Baltimore, MD