
Awarded Dec 08-2020
Black Business Investment Fund, Inc. 2020
toward the costs of its Contractor Assistance Program to provide capital combined with business development training to strengthen the business capacity of black-owned contracting companies in Miami-Dade County
    Awarded Dec 02-2020
    PolicyLink 2020
    for use by its Black Future Opportunity Inc. project toward the costs of two prize competitions for aspiring entrepreneurs at historically Black colleges and universities, and a broader base of diverse entrepreneurs, including people of color, women, and LGBTQ+ individuals, to help break down barriers often faced by marginalized communities to launching and building their businesses
      Awarded Nov 25-2020
      Just Community, Inc. 2020
      in support of expanding its operations to El Paso and Houston and establishing a loan fund to provide low-income Latina entrepreneurs and business owners in these cities with improved access to capital
        Awarded Dec 03-2020
        Hispanics in Philanthropy 2020
        toward the costs of an effort to increase the skills and capacity of Latinx small businesses in Miami, Florida and El Paso, Texas by providing technical assistance and increased access to capital
          Awarded Dec 03-2020
          Black Business Community Development Corporation 2020
          for use by its project the African American Alliance of CDFI CEOs toward the costs of a coalition committed to the support and growth of Black executives leading community development financial institutions
            Awarded Nov 23-2020
            Academy of Music Production Education and Development 2020
            toward the costs of establishing a small business incubator to provide technical assistance to the underserved and underrepresented Black and Latinx technology businesses and entrepreneurs in the Russell neighborhood of Louisville, Kentucky
              Awarded Nov 25-2020
              TREND Community Development Corporation 2020
              toward the costs of stabilizing and growing small Black-owned consumer-oriented businesses in Chicago and suburban Cook County that are essential to community vitality through the provision of technical assistance and patient capital
                Awarded Nov 13-2020
                University of California, Berkeley 2020
                for use by its Othering and Belonging Institute in support of a bi-annual assessment of how well federal policies address the economic needs of localities and regions within the U.S. in the context of COVID-19
                  Awarded Nov 24-2020
                  Partnership for Southern Equity 2020
                  in support of developing an ecosystem of local leadership, consisting of small Black, Latinx, and minority-owned businesses and organizations, to participate in strategic planning and education on policy and tools that effectively respond to gaps in the local entrepreneurial ecosystem within the metro Atlanta region