
Awarded Nov 13-2020
Boston University 2020
for use by its Center for Antiracist Research in support of exploring ways to understand, explain and solve seemingly intractable problems of racial inequity and injustice, and to develop a Racial Data Lab and COVID-19 Racial Data Tracker
    Awarded Oct 14-2020
    Missionary Pentecostal Church of God, Inc. 2020
    toward the costs of a project to protect and enhance the social safety net for vulnerable communities in the U.S. as they navigate the challenges of the economic recession and the COVID-19 pandemic
      Awarded Nov 18-2020
      Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, Inc. 2020
      toward the costs of conducting research to identify challenges faced by businesses in the U.S. owned by people of color in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and to identify and educate the community on potential solutions
        Awarded Oct 26-2020
        Coalition on Human Needs 2020
        in general support of its mission to promote federal policies that address the needs of low-income and vulnerable people in the U.S.
          Awarded Nov 13-2020
          New York University 2020
          for use by its School of Law toward the costs of establishing a tax law center, to engage and organize tax legal experts to work in the public interest to protect and secure revenues and advance equity in the U.S. tax system
            Awarded Nov 10-2020
            Fusion Partnerships, Inc. 2020
            for use by its CLLCTIVLY project, in support of an initiative to award micro-grants to Black-led community organizations and Black-owned businesses impacted by COVID-19 in Greater Baltimore
              Awarded Oct 08-2020
              The Jewish Federations of North America, Inc. 2020
              toward the costs of an effort to increase awareness of the Earned Income Tax Credit program in targeted communities in order to expand benefits to more families across the U.S.
                Awarded Sep 01-2020
                JUST Capital Foundation 2020
                in general support of its mission to build an economy that works for all Americans by helping companies to improve how they serve all their stakeholders – workers, customers, communities, the environment, and shareholders
                  Awarded Sep 15-2020
                  National Immigration Law Center 2020
                  toward the costs of the Protecting Immigrant Families Campaign, an effort to protect access to health care, public services, economic supports and COVID-19 relief for immigrants and their families
                    Awarded Nov 17-2020
                    National Domestic Workers Alliance Inc. 2020
                    toward the costs of scaling U.S. domestic worker access to benefits, relief assistance, and services to help them weather the current economic crisis and improve their economic mobility