
Awarded Sep 08-2020
Baltimore Civic Fund 2020
for use by Baltimore Community Health Worker Corps, toward the costs of a pilot project to recruit and hire workers for COVID-19 contact tracing and care coordination in Baltimore, MD
    Awarded Jun 05-2020
    MomsRising Education Fund 2020
    in general support of its mission to educate and engage people about the importance of advancing family economic security, ending discrimination, and building a nation where everyone can thrive
      Awarded Mar 10-2020
      Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy 2020
      in support of research and data analysis on the impact of the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit in an effort to increase the financial stability and economic advancement of low- to moderate-income workers and families in the U.S.
        Awarded Feb 12-2020
        U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation 2020
        in support of improving access and use of the Earned Income Tax Credit through employer partnerships to increase the financial stability and economic advancement of low- to moderate-income workers and families in the U.S.
          Awarded Mar 19-2020
          Asset Funders Network 2020
          in general support of its mission to engage philanthropy to advance economic opportunity and prosperity for low- and moderate-income people
            Awarded Jul 14-2020
            The Workers Lab 2020
            in general support of its mission to give new ideas about increasing worker power a genuine chance to succeed and flourish
              Awarded Dec 05-2019
              Metropolitan Planning Council 2019
              for use by Economic Security for Illinois toward the costs of an effort to advance an expanded and modernized state Earned Income Tax Credit to increase financial security for low- and middle-income people in Illinois
                Awarded Dec 05-2019
                Missouri Budget Project 2019
                toward the costs of its Campaign for Tax Fairness initiative, a statewide coalition to advance awareness of the importance of an Earned Income Tax Credit for low-income workers in Missouri
                  Awarded Dec 09-2019
                  Hopewell Fund 2019
                  for use by its Economic Security Project toward the costs of modernizing and expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit at the state and federal level