
Awarded Dec 09-2019
Bipartisan Policy Center 2019
in support of efforts to advance a new economic agenda that benefits low-income workers in the U.S.
    Awarded Dec 03-2019
    Unidos US 2019
    toward the costs of building support for improvements to tax credits for low-income families by engaging in policy, program and advocacy work on behalf of the Latino community
      Awarded Dec 10-2019
      New Jersey Policy Perspective, Inc. 2019
      toward the costs of Raise the Floor, a project to improve the Earned Income Tax Credit to provide greater economic security for low-income workers in New Jersey
        Awarded Dec 06-2019
        Center on Budget and Policy Priorities 2019
        toward the costs of efforts to strengthen the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)and Child Tax Credit (CTC) with robust policy analysis, improved messaging, and broadening national and state-level voices on tax credits COVID REVISED PURPOSE: toward the costs of efforts to strengthen the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)and Child Tax Credit (CTC) with robust policy analysis, improved messaging, and broadening national and state-level voices on tax credits, and to provide analysis, and design and implementation recommendations on short-term relief measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as longer term advances in unemployment benefits, food and housing assistance, and other forms of income support
          Awarded Nov 26-2019
          Arizona Community Foundation, Inc. 2019
          for use by Economic Opportunity Funders toward the costs of the Earned Income Tax Credit Pooled Fund, an effort to gain tax fairness and economic opportunity for low-income workers and families through the promotion and protection of the federal and state Earned Income Tax credits
            Awarded Dec 05-2019
            Solid Ground Washington 2019
            toward the costs of its Community Voices for Washington's Working Families Tax Credit campaign, an effort to help low-income workers by funding and expanding Washington's version of the Earned Income Tax Credit
              Awarded Nov 26-2019
              Living Cities, Inc.: The National Community Development Initiative 2019
              in support of its Closing the Gaps Accelerator project, a community of practice for 30 cities to address systemic inequities and close income and wealth gaps, and in general support of its mission to advance opportunity and prosperity in U.S. cities and their low-income populations
                Awarded Nov 01-2019
                Newark Alliance, Inc. 2019
                toward the costs of enhancing Newark's capacity to leverage the Opportunity Zones tax incentive to attract private investments into distressed communities
                  Awarded Nov 19-2019
                  Local Initiatives Support Corporation 2019
                  in support of enhancing Washington D.C.'s capacity to leverage the Opportunity Zones tax incentive to attract private investments into distressed communities
                    Awarded Nov 04-2019
                    Smart Growth America 2019
                    in support of establishing and managing the National Opportunity Zone Academy to support Chief Opportunity Zone officers throughout the U.S. in an effort to ensure that communities have the tools and knowledge necessary to promote resilient and equitable development