
Awarded Aug 13-2019
Invest Atlanta 2019
in support of enhancing Atlanta’s capacity to leverage the Opportunity Zones tax incentive to attract private investments into distressed communities
    Awarded Aug 05-2019
    Johns Hopkins University 2019
    in support of the Guiding Opportunity (GO) AmeriCorps VISTA program, an effort to help city leaders in the U.S. achieve positive economic and social outcomes through community-informed Opportunity Zone investments
      Awarded Aug 29-2019
      New Venture Fund 2019
      for use by its Oakland Fund for Public Innovation toward the costs of enhancing Oakland’s capacity to leverage the Opportunity Zones tax incentive to attract private investments into distressed communities
        Awarded Nov 05-2019
        St. Louis Development Corporation 2019
        in support of enhancing St. Louis's capacity to leverage the Opportunity Zones tax incentive to attract private investments into distressed communities
          Awarded Jul 26-2019
          The Workers Lab 2019
          toward the costs of piloting the Workers Strength Fund, an emergency grant fund providing cash benefits of up to $1,000 to low-wage, gig economy workers to help cover unexpected expenses
            Awarded Apr 04-2019
            WorkLife Partnership 2019
            for use by its project, WorkLab Innovations, toward the costs of increasing the number of frontline and lower-wage workers with access to special assistance that will help them address barriers to stable employment such as childcare, transportation, housing, health and financial stability
              Awarded Dec 19-2018
              New Venture Fund 2018
              for use by Co-Impact, a global collaborative for systems change, toward its operational costs
                Awarded Nov 09-2018
                in general support of its mission to advance equitable access to capital in South Carolina
                  Awarded Nov 08-2018
                  in general support of its mission to provide resources and support to firms and networks in a way that improves livelihoods and roots wealth in communities
                    Awarded Dec 03-2018
                    in support of efforts to revitalize and reimagine the Appalachian economy and workforce