
Awarded Nov 09-2018
Montana Community Development Corporation 2018
in general support of its mission to provide financing and consulting services that transform the lives of individuals and strengthen community prosperity in Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho
    Awarded Nov 16-2018
    Redstone Strategy Group, LLC 2018
    in support of providing technical assistance to the Communities Thrive Challenge grantees to help them scale their impact
      Awarded Nov 09-2018
      in general support of its mission to provide career opportunities to unemployed, underemployed and under-skilled community residents to achieve family-sustaining wages and financial security
        Awarded Oct 31-2018
        New Venture Fund 2018
        for use by its U.S. Impact Investing Alliance toward the costs of driving collaborative philanthropic action to advance the benefit of the Opportunity Zones community investment tax incentive for poor and vulnerable people
          Awarded Jan 10-2018
          New Venture Fund 2018
          for use by its Skillful Fund Project in support of the ReWork America Task Force, a policy commission that aims to help transform the American labor market from one that values degrees and formal training to one rooted in skills and individual potential thereby unlocking opportunities for millions of overlooked Americans
            Awarded Nov 21-2017
            Pew Charitable Trusts 2017
            toward the costs of identifying factors that support and inhibit American families from being and feeling financially secure and upwardly mobile
              Awarded Dec 14-2017
              New Venture Fund 2017
              for use by Co-Impact, a global collaborative for systems change, toward its operational costs
                Awarded Dec 14-2017
                toward the costs of launching technology training centers in Chicago to equip low skill workers with 21st century tech skills that can increase access to quality jobs
                  Awarded Dec 15-2017
                  Co-Impact 2017
                  for use by Co-Impact, a global collaborative for systems change, toward the costs of funding systems change efforts in health, education and economic opportunity focusing on underserved populations with the greatest need
                    Awarded Nov 02-2017
                    toward the costs of measuring and demonstrating impact hiring practices that help companies hire opportunity youth and other marginalized worker populations