
Awarded Nov 02-2017
FSG, Inc 2017
in support of its Shared Value Initiative to catalyze employer adoption of impact hiring to expand employment opportunities for disadvantaged youth
    Awarded Nov 02-2017
    FSG, Inc 2017
    toward the costs of continued development of "market systems innovations" as an approach to advance Inclusive Economies
      Awarded Sep 29-2017
      for use by The Workers Lab in support of designing and potentially piloting portable benefits that increase financial stability for workers in the United States
        Awarded Jun 02-2017
        Family Health International 2017
        in support of a project to surface global innovations that improve the ability of individuals, communities, local governments and businesses to promote economic stability
          Awarded Mar 27-2017
          Kenya Private Sector Alliance 2017
          toward the costs of its Ajira Digital Project to scale Demand Driven Training and develop a sustainable model for connecting disadvantaged youth to online jobs
            Awarded Jun 08-2017
            Pymetrics, Inc. 2017
            in support of a pilot project to demonstrate how candidate assessment technologies can reduce bias in youth hiring and unlock additional employment opportunities for disadvantaged young people in the U.S.
              Awarded Feb 22-2017
              New York University 2017
              for use by its Marron Institute of Urban Management in support of a project to identify the spatial attributes of cities and recommend interventions that can improve the long-term inclusiveness of metropolitan and urban economies globally
                Awarded Nov 29-2016
                The Aspen Institute 2016
                for use by its Aspen Forum for Community Solutions toward the costs of efforts to deepen and expand the community-based work of the 100,000 Opportunities Initiative, an employer-led coalition committed to increasing employment opportunities for disadvantaged young people in the U.S.
                  Awarded Oct 05-2016
                  World Bank 2016
                  toward the costs of its Digital Jobs in Nigeria initiative to help increase employment for disadvantaged youth by catalyzing the use of information and communication technology (ICT) to create economic opportunities