
Awarded Oct 05-2016
World Bank 2016
toward the costs of its Digital Jobs in Nigeria initiative to help increase employment for disadvantaged youth by catalyzing the use of information and communication technology (ICT) to create economic opportunities
    Awarded Nov 15-2016
    FSG, Inc 2016
    in support of the continued development of a differentiated framework for “market systems innovations” as an approach to advance Inclusive Economies, and an analysis of how Rockefeller Foundation initiatives and grantees can better utilize the approach
      Awarded Dec 01-2016
      in support of scaling Impact Sourcing by driving membership recruitment for the Global Impact Sourcing Coalition and coordinating development of relevant tools and resources for building its value proposition
        Awarded Aug 04-2016
        Genesis Analytics 2016
        in support of monitoring and evaluation activities for the Foundation’s Digital Jobs Africa initiative, as well as its grantees and partners, in order to benefit the fields of youth employment, digital jobs and inclusive economies
          Awarded Jun 21-2016
          in support of refining the global business case for Impact Sourcing with a focus on South Africa
            Awarded Jun 21-2016
            in support of developing, sharing and scaling best-in-class models of Demand Driven Training in South Africa
              Awarded Apr 13-2016
              FSG, Inc 2016
              toward the costs of the development of a differentiated framework for “market systems innovations” (MSIs) as an approach to advance Inclusive Economies
                Awarded Jun 21-2016
                Business for Social Responsibility 2016
                in support of developing, administering and launching a Global Impact Sourcing Coalition to support wide-scale adoption of Impact Sourcing as an inclusive hiring practice in the Business Process Outsourcing industry
                  Awarded Feb 24-2016
                  Brookings Institution 2016
                  for use by its Metropolitan Policy Program in support of analyzing the attributes of inclusive economies using U.S. metropolitan areas as a test case
                    Awarded Mar 30-2016
                    The Aspen Institute 2016
                    toward the costs of the Future of Work Initiative, which aims to strengthen the social contract and protections for independent workers, and to inspire a more inclusive version of 21st-century capitalism in America