
Awarded Dec 08-2015 Corp. 2015
in support of a project to demonstrate innovative job-matching technology and connect disadvantaged youth to jobs in the United States, South Africa, and India
    Awarded Dec 18-2015
    in support of developing measurement approaches and indicators for inclusive economies that are holistic and additive to the field
      Awarded Sep 21-2015
      in support of its 2015 Close It Summit and #YouthHire initiative, which seeks to connect disadvantaged youth in Albuquerque, New Mexico to employment and training opportunities
        Awarded Nov 30-2015
        Incandescent, LLC 2015
        in support of developing strategies to test impact hiring solutions that improve and create employment opportunities for disadvantaged youth in the United States
          Awarded Sep 17-2015
          Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors 2015
          for use by its Infrastructure to Support Inclusive Hiring toward the costs of an effort to work collaboratively with human resource practitioners and local, state and national partners to advance inclusive hiring practices in the U.S. for those facing the greatest barriers to employment
            Awarded Oct 02-2015
            The Aspen Institute 2015
            for use by its Aspen Forum for Community Solutions toward the costs of the 100,000 Opportunities Initiative, an employer-led coalition committed to creating employment pathways for young people in the U.S.
              Awarded Oct 16-2015
              FSG, Inc 2015
              toward the costs of the 100,000 Opportunities Initiative, an employer-led coalition committed to creating employment pathways for young people in the U.S.
                Awarded Oct 08-2015
                in support of a feasibility study to explore the potential for replication of a microfinance model in Kenya and Nigeria which provides high potential but disadvantaged youth the opportunity to upgrade their coding skills in order to access jobs
                  Awarded Jul 27-2015
                  in support of a project by the British Council to train and place high potential but disadvantaged youth in the Business Processing Outsourcing sector in Ghana, in particular the Accra BPO Center
                    Awarded Aug 21-2015
                    in support of a collaborative project with the Institute of Development Studies and the Coady International Institute to examine how market-based solutions can improve the lives of poor and vulnerable people in developing countries, with a focus on Uganda