
Awarded Jul 16-2015
Business for Social Responsibility 2015
in support of a convening to be held at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Italy, September 2015, leading to a set of recommendations on the structure and scope of an impact sourcing corporate network that supports companies to adopt and scale impact sourcing
    Awarded Jul 27-2015
    toward the costs of scaling up its Digify training program and launching “Digify Bytes” to train high potential but disadvantaged youth in South Africa in digital publishing and marketing skills and link them to jobs in the growing digital publishing sector in South Africa
      Awarded Aug 14-2015
      Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2015
      for use by its Sloan School of Management’s Initiative on the Digital Economy, in support of running an Inclusive Innovation Competition, designed to uncover innovations that can improve economic opportunities for low-income workers
        Awarded Aug 14-2015
        in support of an Information Technology Essentials program designed to train high potential but disadvantaged youth in Nigeria for placement in the digital economy
          Awarded Jul 06-2015
          in support of scaling a demand-driven model for training high potential but disadvantaged youth, and placing them in digital jobs in the retail, business process outsourcing and financial services sectors in South Africa
            Awarded Jul 20-2015
            FSG, Inc 2015
            in support of conducting a study to identify which demand driven training models have the strongest potential for scale and the best outcomes for connecting high potential but disadvantaged youth to digital jobs
              Awarded Jul 20-2015
              toward the costs of scaling up a job matching platform to connect high potential but disadvantaged youth in Kenya to digital jobs
                Awarded Jul 14-2015
                toward the costs of its Skills to Succeed program to train, mentor and place disadvantaged South African youth in software development and other computer programing jobs
                  Awarded May 27-2015
                  in support of developing strategies to connect disadvantaged and unemployed youth to jobs across several high-potential geographies and business sectors within Africa
                    Awarded May 28-2015
                    toward the costs of its “The Future at Work: Building a Competitive Economy” initiative, an effort to expand employer talent pipelines in Los Angeles and Chicago to include more disadvantaged young people