
Awarded May 28-2015
toward the costs of its “The Future at Work: Building a Competitive Economy” initiative, an effort to expand employer talent pipelines in Los Angeles and Chicago to include more disadvantaged young people
    Awarded Mar 11-2015
    in support of bringing together local, cross-sector leaders to develop a framework for measuring and advancing social progress in five U.S. cities
      Awarded Mar 26-2015
      in support of a project to test the potential of a staffing agency model for providing employment to disadvantaged young people in the U.S.
        Awarded Jan 29-2015
        toward the costs of a collaborative research project with Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing to identify key barriers and opportunities for poor or vulnerable workers to use technology innovations for greater economic inclusion
          Awarded Mar 27-2015
          Edelman 2015
          in support of raising awareness about impact sourcing and developing a coalition of companies committed to this inclusive business practice that employs high potential but disadvantaged youth, impacting them, their families and communities
            Awarded Feb 05-2015
            toward the costs of consolidating its position as a national industry association and associated projects to expand understanding, engagement and adoption of Impact Sourcing among its members and the broader Business Process Outsourcing community in South Africa, in order to expand opportunities for Impact Sourcing jobs for disadvantaged youth
              Awarded Jan 09-2015
              in support of the Employer Ambassador for Youth Program, in partnership with the New York City Department of Small Business Services, designed to engage New York City’s small business community to create greater employment opportunities for poor or vulnerable youth
                Awarded Jan 09-2015
                in support of the Opportunity Youth and Business Champions project, designed to engage Chicago’s small business community to create greater employment opportunities for poor or vulnerable youth