
Awarded Nov 09-2022
Sustainable Markets Foundation 2022
for use by its Working Power program toward the costs of an effort to scale the deployment of community-based, clean energy assets and to elevate racial and economic justice as core values within the development of low-carbon infrastructure projects in the U.S
    Awarded Oct 10-2022
    New York University 2022
    for use by its School of Law toward the costs of the work of its tax law center to engage and organize tax legal experts to work in the public interest to protect and secure revenues and advance equity in the U.S. tax system
      Awarded Nov 18-2022
      Family Values at Work A Multi-State Consortium 2022
      towards the cost of effectively and equitably implementing paid leave policies in states and advancing pro-worker economic policies by way of convenings, trainings, and skills building for coalition leaders and grassroots stakeholders
        Awarded Nov 15-2022
        Center for Community Change 2022
        in support of an effort to modernize the regulatory review process in the U.S. government and provide economic analysis to better ensure that regulatory initiatives benefit disadvantaged, marginalized or vulnerable communities
          Awarded Dec 15-2022
          Albuquerque Community Foundation 2022
          for use by its New Mexico Community Trust project in support of a pooled fund to develop strategies, capacities, and campaigns that increase the economic and social welfare of tribal communities in New Mexico
            Awarded Oct 26-2022
            Espacios Abiertos Puerto Rico Inc. 2022
            in general support of its mission to bring about long-term systemic change that will protect and safeguard the well-being and economic security of low- and middle-income families in Puerto Rico
              Awarded Oct 03-2022
              Alabama Arise 2022
              in general support of its mission to promote public policies to improve the lives of Alabamians who are marginalized by poverty
                Awarded Nov 09-2022
                Somos Un Pueblo Unido 2022
                in support of the New Mexico Worker Organizing Collaborative, an effort promoting state-wide education to inform economic opportunity, tax reform, and fair budget allocation initiatives
                  Awarded Nov 08-2022
                  New Venture Fund 2022
                  for use by its Groundwork Collaborative project, toward the costs of communications efforts, research and convenings geared toward transforming the public understanding of the U.S. economy to help to create an inclusive economy that values and invests in workers