
Awarded Mar 24-2022
Boys & Girls Clubs of Puerto Rico, Inc. 2022
for use by the Instituto del Desarrollo de la Juventud in support of an outreach campaign to promote the benefits of the Child Tax Credit to increase financial security for low-income people in Puerto Rico
    Awarded Feb 10-2022
    City of Baltimore Development Corporation 2022
    toward the costs of the Baltimore Small Business Technical Assistance Network, an initiative focused on improving small business pandemic crisis response and longer-term small business recovery in Baltimore, MD
      Awarded Dec 02-2021
      Partners for Dignity and Rights 2021
      toward the costs of its efforts to build a broad movement for economic and social rights, including health, housing, education and work with dignity.
        Awarded Dec 02-2021
        in support of implementing community-based programs led by Hispanic medical professionals to increase vaccination confidence and uptake in Hispanic communities in the U.S.
          Awarded Jan 19-2022
          New Venture Fund 2022
          for use by its Local Solutions Support Center toward the costs of its work to combat states' abusive use of preemption, creating barriers for progressive economic policy
            Awarded Dec 06-2021
            Jobs With Justice Education Fund 2021
            toward the costs of its Always Essential Campaign’s efforts to create new standards for protecting the rights of essential workers
              Awarded Feb 18-2022
              Delivery Associates Limited 2022
              toward the costs of identifying evidence-based strategies and a learning and delivery agenda for Child Tax Credit enrollment in the U.S. in 2022
                Awarded Feb 18-2022
                SKDKnickerbocker 2022
                toward the costs of a communications campaign to educate the public about the impact of the expanded Child Tax Credit