
Awarded Dec 02-2021
Partners for Dignity and Rights 2021
toward the costs of its efforts to build a broad movement for economic and social rights, including health, housing, education and work with dignity.
    Awarded Dec 02-2021
    in support of implementing community-based programs led by Hispanic medical professionals to increase vaccination confidence and uptake in Hispanic communities in the U.S.
      Awarded Jan 19-2022
      New Venture Fund 2022
      for use by its Local Solutions Support Center toward the costs of its work to combat states' abusive use of preemption, creating barriers for progressive economic policy
        Awarded Nov 10-2021
        Hope Enterprise Corporation 2021
        toward the costs of piloting a diversity collaborative to grow and support businesses led by people of color in Jackson, MS.
          Awarded Dec 07-2021
          Maryland Philanthropy Network 2021
          for use by its Revolve Fund, toward the costs of a philanthropic initiative that will provide interest-free capital to Black, Latinx, and Indigenous-owned businesses and non-profit organizations in Baltimore, MD
            Awarded Nov 01-2021
            Black BRAND 2021
            in support of efforts to stabilize and strengthen underserved populations businesses in Norfolk, VA, through strategic, organizational and financial planning
              Awarded Dec 07-2021
              Niskanen Center 2021
              toward the costs of efforts to advance the economic security of low-income households, promote social, racial, and economic justice, and jump-start renewed economic development in struggling regions.
                Awarded Oct 31-2021
                Missouri Budget Project 2021
                in general support of its mission to improve the quality of life for all Missourians by informing public policy decisions through objective research and analysis of state budget, tax and economic issues
                  Awarded Dec 09-2021
                  Higher Purpose Co. 2021
                  in support of providing business education, funding, and networking opportunities for small, Black-owned businesses in Jackson, Mississippi
                    Awarded Nov 24-2021
                    Missouri Jobs with Justice 2021
                    in general support of its mission to organize Missourians to build transformative power for social, racial and economic justice.