
Awarded Nov 23-2021
The New School 2021
in support of its Institute on Race and Political Economy toward the costs of core operations, with a particular focus on advancing research, communications, and leadership development activities in applied scholarship related to economic equity.
    Awarded Dec 02-2021
    Economic Policy Institute 2021
    toward the costs of strengthening the capacity of Economic Analysis and Research Network (EARN) groups in key states to advance a compelling worker-centered agenda rooted in racial and gender equity.
      Awarded Dec 15-2021
      Local Initiatives Support Corporation 2021
      in support of its Entrepreneurs of Color Fund, an effort to provide technical assistance and grant capital to participating Community Development Financial Institutions to increase their capacity and ability to serve Black- and Latinx-owned small businesses in Oakland, CA and Newark, NJ
        Awarded Dec 02-2021
        9to5, National Association of Working Women 2021
        in general support of its mission to build the capacity of countless women to achieve workplace equity and stronger family supports through policy advocacy, civic engagement and grassroots organizing
          Awarded Dec 20-2021
          American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 2021
          toward the costs of launching a competition to accelerate federal efforts to scale clean energy retrofits in the low- and moderate-income housing market in order to address climate change, economic development and racial equity
            Awarded Nov 10-2021
            Hope Enterprise Corporation 2021
            toward the costs of piloting a diversity collaborative to grow and support businesses led by people of color in Jackson, MS.
              Awarded Dec 07-2021
              Maryland Philanthropy Network 2021
              for use by its Revolve Fund, toward the costs of a philanthropic initiative that will provide interest-free capital to Black, Latinx, and Indigenous-owned businesses and non-profit organizations in Baltimore, MD
                Awarded Nov 01-2021
                Black BRAND 2021
                in support of efforts to stabilize and strengthen underserved populations businesses in Norfolk, VA, through strategic, organizational and financial planning
                  Awarded Dec 07-2021
                  Niskanen Center 2021
                  toward the costs of efforts to advance the economic security of low-income households, promote social, racial, and economic justice, and jump-start renewed economic development in struggling regions.
                    Awarded Nov 15-2021
                    Economic Security Project 2021
                    toward the costs of promoting long-term economic opportunity and improved access to benefits for low- and middle-income Americans