
Awarded Dec 02-2021
International Development Research Centre 2021
toward the costs of supporting African Governments with data, policy analysis and multi stakeholder dialogue to inform integrated, transformative food system policies
    Awarded Dec 08-2021
    Reinvestment Partners 2021
    In support of expanding produce prescription programs to low-income households in North Carolina
      Awarded Dec 07-2021
      FoodShot Global 2021
      Toward the costs of the Groundbreaker prize, to elevate Food is Medicine breakthroughs that can improve nutrition globally
        Awarded Dec 08-2021
        Purdue University 2021
        Towards the cost of supporting advancement in the design and availability of processing technologies for nutritious foods
          Awarded Oct 13-2021
          The Microbiota Vault 2021
          in support of developing a comprehensive catalog of the world's microbiomes, including from fermented foods, in coordination with the Periodic Table of Food Initiative
            Awarded Nov 15-2021
            EAT Foundation 2021
            in support of conducting a political feasibility analysis and policy bootcamps for coalitions of food systems changemakers.
              Awarded Nov 23-2021
              Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition 2021
              in support of scaling up efforts to measure diet quality and expand the global Food Systems Dashboard to generate and visualize the data needed for national decision-making and global monitoring of improved nutrition.
                Awarded Dec 09-2021
                Health Care Without Harm 2021
                in support of efforts to deliver a unified, values-based food procurement standard for adoption by institutions, cities, states, and the federal government including commitments to good food purchasing and practices from the Veterans Health Administration to advance a broader federal strategy.