
Awarded Aug 04-2021
Thought For Food 2021
in support of building a pipeline of investible food systems solutions and cultivating the next generation of food systems leaders
    Awarded Aug 16-2021
    The Milken Institute 2021
    toward the costs of convening a taskforce to elevate the role of healthcare in increasing equitable access to healthy food
      Awarded Oct 21-2021
      Intellecap Advisory Services Private Limited 2021
      in support of implementing the Powering Agriculture and Protective Foods SME Innovation Accelerator to provide technical and financial support to small and medium enterprises addressing the issue of availability, equitable access and affordability for protective foods among poor and underserved communities in Africa
        Awarded Jun 09-2021
        Acumen Fund, Inc. 2021
        In support of cultivating Food Systems Leaders equipped to drive food systems transformation
          Awarded Aug 20-2021
          Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa 2021
          toward the costs of convening the Africa Green Revolution Forum over the next three years to advance a shared vision on food systems transformation in Africa
            Awarded Jul 27-2021
            RF Catalytic Capital, Inc. 2021
            toward the costs of developing standardized methods, kits, and data platforms for a mass spectrometry analyses that will subsequently build the foundation for a comprehensive molecular map of the food system
              Awarded Jun 15-2021
              Guild of Future Architects 2021
              in support of a film and story festival to elevate and expand the global conversation on food systems' power to advance human and planetary health
                Awarded Mar 29-2021
                High Resolves America 2021
                in support of a global marketing campaign to activate global youth awareness and social advocacy In the area of food systems by supporting a category of awards in the Videos for Change 2021 Global Competition