
Awarded Mar 15-2021
Vanguard Economics Ltd. 2021
In support of building program management capabilities to embed nutritious foods in school programs in Rwanda
    Awarded Dec 08-2020
    Health Care Without Harm 2020
    in support of its Healthy Food in Health Care initiative to leverage the food purchasing power of hospitals in order to increase the supply of healthy, sustainable, and equitably-sourced food for vulnerable populations
      Awarded Dec 04-2020
      American Heart Association 2020
      in support of facilitating local, tribal, and state level campaigns to improve the nutritional quality of school food and equitably expand school food access to underprivileged children
        Awarded Dec 15-2020
        Bread for the World Institute 2020
        in support of coordinating a network of faith leaders who are working to reduce food-insecurity among vulnerable populations at the national and state levels through food systems education, outreach, and advocacy
          Awarded Dec 03-2020
          RF Catalytic Capital, Inc. 2020
          toward the costs of developing standardized methods, kits, and data platforms for mass spectrometry analyses that will subsequently build the foundation for a comprehensive molecular map of the food system
            Awarded Nov 25-2020
            Tufts University 2020
            for use by its Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, toward the costs of advancing research on the impact of healthy food prescription programs on food insecure populations
              Awarded Dec 14-2020
              Duke University 2020
              in support of community-level research on the impact of produce prescription programs on low-income communities