
Awarded Dec 02-2020
Tufts University 2020
for use by its Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy in support of gathering and presenting evidence on the need for the advancement of nutrition science and programming in the United States
    Awarded Dec 04-2020
    Farm Shop 2020
    in support of using its franchise model to design and implement sustainable farmer aggregation centers in Kenya to support smallholder farmers and increase the availability of protective foods
      Awarded Aug 18-2020
      International Development Research Centre 2020
      toward the costs of a research partnership initiative that seeks to catalyze change for healthy and sustainable food systems in low- and middle-income countries
        Awarded Nov 13-2020
        Windward Fund 2020
        toward the costs of its Farm to Fork initiative, a collaborative network of leading food advocacy organizations working to promote equitable and healthy food systems
          Awarded Oct 22-2020
          Thought For Food 2020
          in support of developing a digital platform and grassroots mobilization approach to engage diverse, global constituencies for post-COVID recovery and democratization of the UN Food Systems Summit
            Awarded Nov 10-2020
            Vanguard Economics Ltd. 2020
            toward the costs of increasing the consumption of whole grains by vulnerable communities in safety net programs at schools in Rwanda
              Awarded Aug 14-2020
              Eastern Africa Grain Council 2020
              in support of developing and demonstrating a smart market concept that increases access to safe, affordable and nutritious food in Kenya, in response to the COVID-19 crisis.
                Awarded Aug 19-2020
                Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa 2020
                toward the costs of strengthening systems for data and information generation that will support governments to implement agricultural and trade policies for improved food and nutrition security, and developing a platform for coordinating strategic responses to African food security across a number of African countries, in response to the COVID-19 crisis.
                  Awarded Aug 10-2020
                  Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition 2020
                  in support of providing small- and medium-sized enterprises with the resources to sustain access to nutritious foods during the COVID-19 pandemic
                    Awarded Sep 01-2020
                    D-Implement Inc. 2020
                    toward the costs of building an insect based feed sector in Kenya to support transition towards sustainable feed for protective foods such as fish and eggs