
Awarded Aug 10-2020
EAT Foundation 2020
toward the costs of launching the Food System Economic Commission, an independent, interdisciplinary academic commission to deliver a state of the art scientific assessment on the economics of the transition to healthy, inclusive and sustainable food systems
    Awarded Aug 17-2020
    University of California, Davis 2020
    toward the costs of developing standardized protein mass spectrometry analyses as a foundation for building a comprehensive molecular map of the food system
      Awarded Jul 14-2020
      Seed Systems Group, Inc. 2020
      in support of mobilizing resources to implement its five-year proposed plan, which aims to extend the benefits of improved seed and other technologies in order to create COVID-resilient, small-holder agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa
        Awarded Apr 27-2020
        Urban School Food Alliance 2020
        in support of enabling large, urban school districts to continue providing meals to children and their families during COVID-related closures and disruptions.
          Awarded May 06-2020
          GENYOUth 2020
          toward the costs of GENYOUth's efforts to keep school food programs operational through COVID closures and to help people access them
            Awarded May 14-2020
            World Central Kitchen, Inc. 2020
            in support of emergency school meal distribution for vulnerable communities during the COVID-19 crisis
              Awarded Apr 22-2020
              FoodShot Global 2020
              toward the cost of the Groundbreaker Prize, to elevate innovative work in protein production that advances a healthier, more sustainable, and equitable food system
                Awarded Mar 30-2020
                Meridian Institute 2020
                in support of efforts to provide research, convening facilitation and strategic support in preparation for the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit
                  Awarded Mar 26-2020
                  CAMBIA 2020
                  in general support of its mission to scale open and collaborative mapping of innovation pathways and opportunities in science- and technology-enabled problem solving