
Awarded Nov 02-2018
International Fund for Agricultural Development 2018
in support of providing technical support and training to a network of Rockefeller Foundation partners, in an effort to help farmers reduce post-harvest losses for crops in Kenya, Rwanda, Nigeria and Tanzania
    Awarded Nov 01-2018
    World Resources Institute 2018
    in support of producing two publications on food loss and waste that seek to consolidate a global narrative about the issue and share new quantitative evidence on effective action
      Awarded Nov 19-2018
      World Bank 2018
      in support of developing a Global Framework for Action on Food Loss and Waste including developing country diagnostics and forming a high-level task force
        Awarded Nov 16-2018
        Stanford University 2018
        in support of creating a new initiative to provide comprehensive support for transformational innovations in global food systems
          Awarded Oct 24-2018
          Feeding America 2018
          in support of an effort to identify and rescue surplus meat and seafood and redistribute it to food insecure populations in the U.S.
            Awarded Oct 24-2018
            PATH 2018
            in support of a project to assess whether cultured proteins, particularly egg and dairy, can play a meaningful role in addressing global malnutrition in a more environmentally sustainable way than traditional animal-sourced foods
              Awarded Nov 16-2018
              Colorado State University 2018
              in support of the Colorado-Iowa Obesity Initiative, an effort to identify and implement effective, community-based interventions to curb the rise in childhood obesity in the U.S.
                Awarded Oct 23-2018
                Meridian Institute 2018
                in support of exploring the feasibility of developing a Global Library for Agricultural Images and Data (GLAID) initiative, in an effort to use data and machine learning to increase effectiveness across agricultural production and distribution