
Awarded Dec 07-2017
Edelman 2017
in support of increasing the understanding of the issues related to food loss and waste including the challenges of ending hunger, achieving food security and improved nutrition, and promoting sustainable agriculture
    Awarded Jun 02-2017
    for use by its Natural Resources Institute in support of developing a cassava bag that will increase the shelf life of cassava by up to 10 days in order to improve food security for poor and vulnerable people
      Awarded Apr 18-2017
      Food for Soul 2017
      in support of building its organizational capacity in support of its mission to reduce food waste and address food insecurity, and to support the launch of several innovative soup kitchens in the United States
        Awarded Dec 09-2016
        University of Nairobi 2016
        in support of establishing fruit aggregation and processing hubs for smallholder farmers, and facilitating the first All Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition, to be held in Nairobi, Kenya, March 2017
          Awarded Oct 28-2016
          in support of developing and disseminating building design guidelines that enable more effective separation and collection of food waste, recyclables, and other trash in order to support urban zero waste strategies
            Awarded Apr 13-2016
            Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa 2016
            in support of reducing post-harvest food loss and improving the lives of small holder farmers and other vulnerable people in the maize value chain in Tanzania
              Awarded Apr 15-2016
              Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek 2016
              for use by the Centre for Development Innovation in support of a study on the effectiveness of multi-stakeholder platforms and partnerships in certain agriculture and food security value chain interventions
                Awarded Dec 14-2015
                World Food Programme 2015
                in support of scaling its Agricultural Market Access + Zero Food Loss initiative to Tanzania and to align post-harvest training and technologies with existing value chains