
Awarded Oct 24-2023
Reinvestment Partners 2023
in general support of its mission to foster healthy and just communities in the U.S.
    Awarded Nov 17-2023
    The Health Initiative 2023
    in general support of its mission to increase investments in the drivers of equitable heath-based solutions for marginalized communities
      Awarded Nov 15-2023
      Rainforest Foundation, Inc. 2023
      in support of studying and documenting the role of indigenous food systems in advancing regenerative agricultural outcomes in Central Africa, Indonesia, Mesoamerica and the Amazon Basin
        Awarded Nov 22-2023
        TechnoServe 2023
        in support of a pilot to increase the production and availability of fortified parboiled unpolished rice for consumption by undernourished school children in Nigeria
          Awarded Oct 24-2023
          Family Health International 2023
          in support of filling a critical measurement gap for tracking the environmental impacts of meals served in institutional feeding programs
            Awarded Nov 09-2023
            CGIAR System Organization 2023
            in support of seminars, panel discussions, and other programming at the Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP28) about the benefits of transitioning to a climate-conscious food system
              Awarded Oct 05-2023
              Meridian Institute 2023
              in support of the participation of historically underrepresented individuals and organizations at COP28 to ensure their contribution to global climate discussions