
Awarded Apr 04-2016
in support of catalyzing innovation to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and impact of the YieldWise initiative by building innovation capacity among key organizations and scanning for distinct innovative solutions that will lead to reduced food loss and improved livelihoods for smallholder farmers
    Awarded Feb 09-2016
    in support of events surrounding the “Cassava Innovation Challenge” launch at its Global Forum on Innovations in Agriculture to encourage the development of innovative solutions to reduce post-harvest cassava loss and influence agriculture leaders to prioritize loss reduction strategies
      Awarded Mar 02-2016
      Dalberg Consulting – U.S., LLC 2016
      in support of designing, launching, and executing the “Cassava Innovation Challenge” in order to surface solutions to increase the shelf life of cassava and thereby improve the livelihoods of small holder farmers in Africa
        Awarded Apr 04-2016
        RTI International 2016
        in support of conducting an impact evaluation of the Foundation’s YieldWise initiative
          Awarded Dec 14-2015
          World Food Programme 2015
          in support of scaling its Agricultural Market Access + Zero Food Loss initiative to Tanzania and to align post-harvest training and technologies with existing value chains
            Awarded Jan 21-2016
            in support of launching the YieldWise initiative in Africa at the U.S.-Africa Business Summit to be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, February 2016
              Awarded Dec 03-2015
              in support of reducing post-harvest food loss and improving the lives of smallholder farmers and other vulnerable people in the Nigerian tomato value chain
                Awarded Dec 15-2015
                Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa 2015
                in support of building and improving its internal program management capabilities in order to execute a coordinated and integrated post-harvest loss intervention on Tanzania’s maize value chain
                  Awarded Dec 16-2015
                  Food and Agriculture Organization 2015
                  in support of providing technical assistance to the African Union in the development of policies and strategies for country-specific plans to reduce post-harvest food loss
                    Awarded Nov 16-2015
                    toward the costs of organizing city-based events to raise awareness about the problem of food waste and to present supply chain research, promising solutions, and best practices in food waste reduction