
Awarded Dec 10-2015
RTI International 2015
in support of monitoring and learning activities related to the Foundation’s YieldWise initiative and its grantees and partners, in order to benefit the field of agriculture at large and more specifically small-holder farmer households
    Awarded Nov 17-2015
    New York Times Company 2015
    toward the costs of its 2nd annual “Food for Tomorrow” conference, to be held October 2015
      Awarded Sep 15-2015
      Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa 2015
      in support of testing an integrated post-harvest loss intervention model that incorporates financing, technology, aggregating farmers, and connecting them to alternative markets in an effort to reduce post-harvest loss in the Tanzanian maize value chain
        Awarded Sep 10-2015
        University of Illinois 2015
        toward the costs of the First International Congress for Postharvest Loss Prevention to be held in Rome, Italy, October 2015
          Awarded Jun 22-2015
          TechnoServe 2015
          in support of a project to reduce post-harvest food loss and improve the lives of smallholder farmers and other vulnerable people in the mango value chain in Kenya
            Awarded Jun 30-2015
            for use by its Sustainable Food Laboratory to develop and test metrics that promote cross-sector engagement to reduce post-harvest food loss and improve the lives of smallholder farmers and other vulnerable people
              Awarded Feb 05-2015
              in support of developing strategies and implementation plans for reducing post-harvest food loss in sub-Saharan Africa