
Awarded Nov 23-2022
Windward Fund 2022
for use by its Farm to Fork Collaborative towards the cost of coordinating a diverse and equitable coalition of good food policy advocates in the U.S.
    Awarded Nov 15-2022
    American Heart Association 2022
    in support of developing a research project to study the effectiveness of Food Is Medicine programs in an effort to improve health outcomes, reduce health disparities across communities, and reduce diet-related healthcare costs in the U.S.
      Awarded Nov 17-2022
      United Nations Foundation 2022
      in support of the successful transition of the new World Food Progamme Executive Director appointed by the UN Secretary General and UN Food and Agriculture Organization Director General
        Awarded Nov 25-2022
        Global Child Nutrition Foundation 2022
        in support of enhancing local nutrition capacity in countries affected by the 2022 global food crisis through training and technical assistance by way of the annual Global Child Nutrition Forum and the expansion of the Global Survey of School Meal Programs
          Awarded Oct 27-2022
          Seed to Growth Foundation 2022
          in support of seeding and formalizing the Fortified Wholegrain Alliance with an immediate focus on sub-Saharan Africa but with the ultimate goal of improving diets in underserved communities globally through increased consumption of fortified wholegrain foods
            Awarded Oct 25-2022
            American Heart Association 2022
            in support of the creation of Good Food Fellows training fellowships in the Global South to create a new pipeline of food scientists in underserved regions
              Awarded Aug 01-2022
              Harvard University 2022
              for use by its Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation in support of conducting legal and policy research, developing educational resources, and providing technical assistance related to nutrition interventions to support the implementation of food is medicine policy.
                Awarded Aug 04-2022
                Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa 2022
                towards the cost of supporting smallholder farmers to produce biofortified crops in Africa to increase the availability and accessibility of nutritious and safe food for key institutional markets particularly school feeding programs.
                  Awarded Aug 16-2022
                  Dalberg Catalyst 2022
                  for use by the Climate Action Platform for Africa, in support of building an evidence base of regenerative agricultural practices that improve climate and profitability impacts for smallholder farmers in Africa