
Awarded Oct 13-2022
Deep Medicine Circle 2022
in support of Food is Medicine, an effort to advance an equitable food system for Indigenous people globally through the sharing of traditional ecological knowledge and regenerative agricultural practices
    Awarded Oct 31-2022
    Bioversity International 2022
    toward the costs of a multi-faceted research project to understand how indigenous peoples and their agroecology and regenerative practices can help to solve the global food systems crisis
      Awarded Aug 01-2022
      Harvard University 2022
      for use by its Center for Health Law and Policy Innovation in support of conducting legal and policy research, developing educational resources, and providing technical assistance related to nutrition interventions to support the implementation of food is medicine policy.
        Awarded Jul 26-2022
        Washington State University 2022
        in support of integrating the Periodic Table of Food Initiative with "Soil to Society" research in Rwanda, Malawi, and Ecuador
          Awarded Jul 15-2022
          Ecdysis Foundation 2022
          in support of its 1000 Farms Initiative to support BIPOC-centered fellowships and the collection of harmonized farm-level data on US sustainable regenerative agricultural practices.
            Awarded Aug 04-2022
            Community Services Unlimited, Inc 2022
            toward the costs of the Equitable Food Oriented Development Collaborative and Fund (“EFOD”), a pooled fund to provide grants and concessionary capital to BIPOC- and community-owned food businesses and nonprofits involved in the production and distribution of good food to communities.
              Awarded Aug 16-2022
              Meridian Institute 2022
              toward the costs of defining and accelerating regenerative agriculture across global food systems
                Awarded Sep 01-2022
                American Heart Association 2022
                toward the costs of advancing state-level efforts to make healthy school meals free for all children
                  Awarded Aug 31-2022
                  Health Care Without Harm 2022
                  in support of the creation and progress of a coalition advancing good food procurement policies among federal agencies
                    Awarded May 23-2022
                    Winrock Solutions, LLC 2022
                    in support of strengthening USDA's federal grant programs to purchase healthy food with a focus on local and socially disadvantaged farmers and to distribute the food to institutions such as public schools, early child care, and food banks