
Awarded Mar 25-2022
The Health Initiative 2022
toward the costs of facilitating opportunities for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to leverage intra- and inter-agency partnerships that support an agenda to accelerate access to healthy food.
    Awarded Nov 23-2021
    Mahidol University 2021
    in support of building capacity for standardized measurement of diet quality in population surveys in low- and middle-income countries.
      Awarded Nov 23-2021
      Wageningen University & Research 2021
      in support of creating a global map of the world's foods that integrates key nutritional information from the Dietary Quality Questionnaire and makes accessible the food chemistry data generated by The Periodic Table of Food.
        Awarded Dec 08-2021
        Community Partners 2021
        for use by its Center for Good Food Purchasing toward the costs of promoting good food purchasing on the local level in order to catalyze regional and national food system transformation to achieve health, environmental, economic and climate impacts.
          Awarded Dec 08-2021
          Urban School Food Alliance 2021
          in general support of its mission to coordinate efforts of member districts to share best practices on providing healthy, delicious meals to students and leverage purchasing power to drive food quality up and costs down while incorporating sound environmental practices
            Awarded Sep 24-2021
            Meridian Institute 2021
            in support of implementing transformative solutions generated through The Food Systems Game Changers Lab that lead to meaningful food systems change globally.
              Awarded Nov 23-2021
              Aqua Spark 2021
              Towards the cost of supporting a technical assistance facility to support sustainable production of aquaculture
                Awarded Nov 23-2021
                Meridian Institute 2021
                in support of developing clear and standardized methods for sharing Digital Sequencing Information from plant and genetic resources, especially as it pertains to The Periodic Table of Food Initiative and The Microbiota Vault
                  Awarded Dec 01-2021
                  World Food Programme 2021
                  In support of scaling up fortified whole meal and other nutritious foods in school feeding programs in Africa