
Awarded Oct 26-2020
University of Southern California 2020
in support of piloting and evaluating smart, COVID-19 testing protocols to help communities and institutions reopen and stay open
    Awarded Oct 28-2020
    New Orleans Public Schools 2020
    toward the costs of piloting and evaluating smart COVID-19 testing protocols to help public schools reopen and stay open in New Orleans
      Awarded Oct 08-2020
      PATH 2020
      in support of demonstrating cost-effective, sustainable, and scalable COVID-19 testing solution packages for vulnerable populations in India
        Awarded Nov 16-2020
        University of Illinois 2020
        for use by its Shield Illinois team in support of scaling saliva-based COVID-19 rapid testing to help K-12 schools in Illinois reopen and stay open
          Awarded Aug 12-2020
          Forward Together New Orleans 2020
          in support of efforts to train former hospitality workers who are facing job-loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic for a healthcare career that begins as a community health worker and contact tracer, in collaboration with the City of New Orleans and Resilience Force
            Awarded Sep 01-2020
            Every Mother Counts 2020
            in general support of its mission to achieve quality, respectful, and equitable maternity care for all.