
Awarded Aug 07-2020
Arizona State University Foundation for A New American University 2020
in support of efforts to develop test use cases, build an interactive back-to-work data dashboard, catalog and review testing innovations and keep an updated repository of tests that includes quality metrics, with the ultimate goal of scaling smart testing solutions to decrease the transmission of, and illness and death related to, COVID-19
    Awarded Dec 08-2020
    Duke University 2020
    for use by its Duke Margolis Center for Health Policy, in support of activities to develop, pilot, and refine COVID-19 testing strategies and approaches that guide the reopening of businesses, schools and communities in the United States
      Awarded Jul 13-2020
      University of Hawaii Foundation 2020
      for use by its John A. Burns School of Medicine to convert its labs into COVID testing labs, thus enabling the processing of an additional 1,100 samples per day which will especially benefit homeless and under-served communities
        Awarded Sep 02-2020
        Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria 2020
        in support of strengthening health data systems to enable scale up and use of data analytics by Ministries of Health in at least 4 low-income economy countries, referred to as the “Digital Health Catalytic Fund.”
          Awarded Jul 14-2020
          CORE Community Organized Relief Effort 2020
          in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health toward the costs of expanding testing services to six new locations across the Navajo Nation and White Mountain Apache territory
            Awarded May 04-2020
            Dimagi Inc. 2020
            in support of launching a community of practice to meet the demand for digital tools for containment, mitigation, and recovery efforts for community based COVID-19 response to benefit the vulnerable and at-risk populations in low income countries.
              Awarded May 06-2020
              Dalberg Group ApS 2020
              in support of in support of the set up and implementation of a West Africa Platform for Public Health Emergency Operations Centers, which would serve to increase country-level capacity to respond to COVID-19 and upcoming public health emergencies in Senegal, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Mali and Mauritania.
                Awarded May 14-2020
                CORE Community Organized Relief Effort 2020
                toward the costs of expanding its drive-through testing operations in California to increase access to vulnerable individuals, as well as continue to provide valuable information necessary to determine next steps at the county and state levels
                  Awarded Jul 10-2020
                  Columbia University 2020
                  for use by its Mailman School of Public Health toward the costs of a meeting bringing together experts in data and public health to advance the goals of precision public health