
Awarded Dec 06-2019
World Bank 2019
for use by its Global Financing Facility for Women, Children and Adolescents toward the costs of identifying and supporting the national scale up of evidence-based data science and digital health innovations to accelerate reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health outcomes
    Awarded Dec 02-2019
    World Health Organization 2019
    in support of developing a digital governance framework and accelerating the digitalization of its guidelines in order to make its norms and standards readily available to the global health community, in order to help countries achieve their SDG3 targets especially with regard to maternal and child health
      Awarded Nov 15-2019
      Medic Mobile 2019
      in support of the development of Medic Research, an innovation lab focused on big ideas to support the potential of precision public health to benefit vulnerable communities
        Awarded Nov 26-2019
        Malaria No More 2019
        toward the costs of the design and launch of a "demonstration deal" to channel large amounts of private capital towards achieving the health Sustainable Development Goals, including a convening to be held at The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Italy, in 2020
          Awarded Nov 19-2019
          Boston University 2019
          for use by its School of Public Health for research, the development of a website and a commission report on health determinants, data and decision-making, designed to increase the use of data-driven insights to improve the health of vulnerable people
            Awarded Oct 22-2019
            PATH 2019
            for use by its Digital Square program in support of a feasibility study catalyzing a Health Data Science Exchange to improve the reach, quality and efficiency of health service delivery to people in low-and-middle-income countries
              Awarded Oct 08-2019
              World Health Organization 2019
              toward the costs of "Walk the Talk: The Health for All Challenge" to be held in New York, New York, September, 2019
                Awarded Sep 24-2019
                Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors 2019
                for use by its MDG Health Alliance in support of working with governments to strengthen and scale community-health programs