
Awarded Nov 30-2016
New America Foundation 2016
toward the costs of a Digital Health Innovation Summit that will explore innovative applications of information technology to improve nutrition for low-income women and children in the U.S.
    Awarded Dec 19-2016
    World Bank 2016
    in support of its Global Mental Health Initiative, an effort to mobilize an international coalition to design and implement mental health and psychosocial support programs that build community resilience and draw upon broader health services
      Awarded Nov 14-2016
      Panorama Global 2016
      in support of establishing the Rockefeller Foundation Commission on Planetary Health, an effort to help build the multi-disciplinary field of planetary health
        Awarded Oct 31-2016
        Yale University 2016
        for use by its Center for the Study of Globalization toward the costs of developing a set of guiding principles for equitable and financially sustainable universal health coverage (UHC), which will serve as a resource for governments to develop UHC strategies and policies and as an instrument for organizations and agencies to discuss and benchmark progress
          Awarded Nov 09-2016
          Yale University 2016
          for use by its Center for the Study of Globalization in support of activities to aid and promote the work of the Rockefeller Foundation Commission on Planetary Health, an initiative to develop the economic case for the new field of planetary health, and to recommend high-level policy actions
            Awarded Nov 14-2016
            World Health Organization 2016
            in support of serving as the official source for measuring and monitoring universal health coverage (UHC) progress, and coordinating strategies and activities towards attaining the Sustainable Development Goals 3.8
              Awarded Oct 25-2016
              Medic Mobile 2016
              in general support of its mission to build, deliver and support mobile tools that help community health workers provide equitable care to marginalized communities
                Awarded Dec 01-2016
                in support of developing and implementing a planetary health training curriculum and other programming for its fellows and alumni
                  Awarded Nov 14-2016
                  Global Health Strategies 2016
                  in support of a project to sustain momentum for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) through building a sustainable UHC Coalition
                    Awarded May 24-2016
                    toward the costs of promoting the role of communities in building resilient health systems at its Cracking the Nut Health conference to be held in Washington, D.C., July 2016