
Awarded May 24-2016
for use by its International Institute for Global Health in support of two events promoting planetary health at the United Nations Environment Assembly to be held in Nairobi, Kenya, May 2016
    Awarded May 24-2016
    toward the costs of promoting Universal Health Coverage at its fourth global conference to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, May 2016
      Awarded Jun 08-2016
      in support of civil society activity to urge the United Nations Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDG) to adopt a meaningful Universal Health Coverage financial protection indicator
        Awarded May 18-2016
        for use by its Global Health Centre in support of a roundtable and debate intended to make the election of the next World Health Organization Director-General a more open and inclusive process, and to highlight the type of leadership necessary for the current global health landscape
          Awarded Oct 26-2016
          in general support of its mission to improve the status of the working poor in the informal economy, especially women
            Awarded May 04-2016
            in support of a series of high-level roundtable discussions to outline the ideal qualities of the next Director-General of the World Health Organization in the context of its evolving role within the global health community
              Awarded May 18-2016
              National Academy of Sciences 2016
              for use by its Institute of Medicine toward the costs of assessing the current global health landscape and identifying effective investments in global health initiatives to inform the next presidential administration in the U.S.
                Awarded Apr 08-2016
                Harvard University 2016
                for use by its T.H. Chan School of Public Health in support of amplifying the policy impact of the health systems resilience framework through developing evidence-based guidelines for donor investments in resilient health systems
                  Awarded Feb 25-2016
                  in support of planning and executing a series of three meetings focused on planetary health at its annual conference, to be held in San Francisco, CA, April 2016
                    Awarded Jul 12-2016
                    World Bank 2016
                    in support of developing and piloting an operational framework for financing preparedness in ways that leverage the building of resilient health systems