
Awarded Apr 24-2015
ACCESS Health International 2015
for use by its Joint Learning Network for Universal Healthcare in support of the Joint Learning Fund in order to broaden engagement and technical learning outcomes within member countries, institutionalize country core groups, and strengthen its profile through support for country-level efforts
    Awarded Apr 06-2015
    Harvard University 2015
    for use by its School of Public Health in support of developing, testing and deepening the conceptualization of Resilient Health Systems in West Africa in the wake of the Ebola crisis
      Awarded Mar 15-2015
      in support of producing a series of policy briefing papers and roundtable discussions on Universal Health Coverage and on how and where it fits within the post-2015 development agenda
        Awarded Feb 10-2015
        Deloitte Consulting LLP 2015
        in support of conducting and disseminating research and analysis of several prototype approaches to determining if and how the health of poor or vulnerable people who work in the informal sector could be positively impacted at scale