
Awarded Feb 06-2023
Harvard University 2023
for use by its T. H. Chan School of Public Health in support of a commission on the future of post-pandemic health and economic resiliency in Africa
    Awarded Dec 12-2022
    World Health Organization 2022
    towards the cost of scaling up, institutionalizing and building capacity for social behavioral insight activities for the purpose of driving demand for vaccine uptake in the African region
      Awarded Dec 20-2022
      Delta Philanthropies 2022
      for use by its Higherlife Foundation toward the costs of addressing barriers to vaccine demand and improving vaccine uptake by building the capacity of health cadres and local leaders to disseminate accurate and transparent information about the COVID-19 vaccine in Zimbabwe
        Awarded Oct 24-2022
        Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) 2022
        In support of increasing Covid-19 vaccination access and uptake in vulnerable and high-risk populations through the implementation of innovative, data-driven health service delivery approaches
          Awarded Oct 25-2022
          The Clara Lionel Foundation 2022
          towards the costs of building resilient communication and health facility infrastructures in the Caribbean
            Awarded Oct 31-2022
            CARE 2022
            in support of uptake of COVID-19 vaccination for at-risk and marginalized populations in Guatemala and Honduras
              Awarded Nov 28-2022
              African Field Epidemiology Network 2022
              for use by the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention toward the costs of strengthening its institutional framework, core preparedness, and emergency response capacities
                Awarded Oct 10-2022
                United States Fund for UNICEF 2022
                n support of developing an on-demand country-level risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) model for the COVID-19 response in Malawi, Kenya and Uganda
                  Awarded Jun 09-2022
                  Amref Health Africa, Inc. 2022
                  in support of facilitating access to and confidence in safe, effective Covid-19 vaccinations for those most socioeconomically and epidemiologically disadvantaged
                    Awarded Jun 08-2022
                    Results for Development 2022
                    in support of providing frontline vaccinators with the digital tools required to effectively track national COVID-19 vaccination campaign efforts to reach priority and vulnerable populations in Ghana