
Awarded Jun 09-2022
Amref Health Africa, Inc. 2022
in support of facilitating access to and confidence in safe, effective Covid-19 vaccinations for those most socioeconomically and epidemiologically disadvantaged
    Awarded Jun 08-2022
    Results for Development 2022
    in support of providing frontline vaccinators with the digital tools required to effectively track national COVID-19 vaccination campaign efforts to reach priority and vulnerable populations in Ghana
      Awarded May 19-2022
      PATH 2022
      in support of accelerating the deployment and scale of digital tools that support in-country efforts to drive hyper-local demand for COVID-19 vaccination awareness, acceptance and activation
        Awarded Jul 05-2022
        International AIDS Vaccine Initiative 2022
        in support of a conference to develop solutions for emerging infectious diseases response, building on lessons from IAVI’s history with vaccine development and COVID-19
          Awarded Feb 18-2022
          University of Minnesota 2022
          in support of developing a COVID vaccine roadmap to address issues with, and provide recommendations for, the development of betacoronavirus vaccines globally
            Awarded Jan 24-2022
            iHealth 2022
            in support of providing equitable access to free, rapid, easy-to-use, and accurate at-home COVID-19 tests for Americans in vulnerable communities
              Awarded Feb 18-2022
              Harvard University 2022
              for use by its T. H. Chan School of Public Health in support of a commission on the future of post-pandemic health and economic resiliency in Africa
                Awarded May 12-2022
                Brown University 2022
                in support of its efforts to manage the State and Territory Alliance for Testing
                  Awarded Nov 22-2021
                  Duke University 2021
                  for use by its Robert J. Margolis, MD, Center for Health Policy, in support of the COVID Global Accountability Platform to track, analyze, and provide recommendations around global commitments to ending the COVID-19 pandemic
                    Awarded Dec 06-2021
                    Emory University 2021
                    in support of establishing a wastewater surveillance program in Accra, Ghana to guide the public health response to COVID-19