
Awarded Mar 17-2021
Johns Hopkins University 2021
for use by its Johns Hopkins Outbreak Observatory in support of research on best practices in maintaining essential health services during COVID-19 and the development of country exemplars in global health for COVID-19 pandemic response in collaboration with Gates Ventures
    Awarded Apr 02-2021
    National Academy of Sciences 2021
    toward the costs of convening a workshop to examine the Food and Drug Administration’s use of the Emergency Use Authorization in order to ensure that it can become a more versatile public health and pandemic management vehicle
      Awarded Apr 02-2021
      University of Ghana 2021
      for use by the West African Centre for Cell Biology of Infectious Pathogens, at its College of Basic and Applied Sciences, in support of deploying SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence surveys and genomic sequencing in order to inform national COVID-19 response strategies in Burkina Faso, Ghana and Nigeria
        Awarded Oct 21-2020
        Florida Department Of Health 2020
        in support of efforts to increase the speed and effectiveness of contact tracing, employee testing and the education of employer protocols in Miami-Dade county to help in recovery efforts related to COVID-19
          Awarded Nov 13-2020
          Reach Digital Health NPC 2020
          in support of AI-based symptom checking to catalyze the adoption of quality telehealth, maintain essential health services, and enable smart testing strategies in South Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic.
            Awarded Dec 14-2020
            Lumira DX UK Ltd. 2020
            in support of the purchase, deployment, and scale of LumiraDx multi-use, point-of-care testing devices and test kits to African Union member states to increase access to accurate and timely COVID-19 testing.
              Awarded Dec 16-2020
              Africa Public Health Foundation 2020
              in support of the Partnership to Accelerate COVID-19 Testing in collaboration with the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention