
Awarded Oct 29-2020
Johns Hopkins University 2020
for use by its School of Nursing, in support of developing quantitative models to speed and improve the development of analytics products to inform COVID-19 response and mitigation
    Awarded Oct 21-2020
    Florida Department Of Health 2020
    in support of efforts to increase the speed and effectiveness of contact tracing, employee testing and the education of employer protocols in Miami-Dade county to help in recovery efforts related to COVID-19
      Awarded Oct 20-2020
      City of Miami Beach 2020
      in support of a communications campaign to safely reopen the Hospitality and Tourism industry in Miami and bolster protection for vulnerable employees, in the wake of COVID-19.
        Awarded Dec 11-2020
        Pan American Health Organization 2020
        in support of providing technical assistance and protocols to countries in the Latin America and Caribbean region to expand testing capacity, improve surveillance systems, and establish contact tracing strategies with the aim of controlling the COVID-19 pandemic and enabling communities to remain open
          Awarded Nov 02-2020
          The Engine Foundation 2020
          toward the costs of a public education campaign to be mounted by its COVID-19 Technology Task Force to drive participation in contact tracing.
            Awarded Dec 14-2020
            RF Catalytic Capital, Inc. 2020
            in support of an advanced market commitment to a medical supply distributor to enable the proactive sourcing, purchasing and stocking of an array of rapid COVID tests for the ultimate sale to states and aligned buyers
              Awarded Nov 13-2020
              Hivos Foundation 2020
              in support of its Amazon Indigenous Health Route project in inabling an equitable COVID-19 response for indigenous communities in the Amazon Basin
                Awarded Oct 16-2020
                Crush the Curve Idaho Foundation 2020
                in support of efforts to increase testing at and provide thermometers to public school districts in Idaho in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
                  Awarded Oct 29-2020
                  Universidad de los Andes 2020
                  in support of its Gencore molecular laboratory and Center for Research and Formation in Artificial Intelligence to collaborate on the development, refinement, and implementation of an artificial intelligence-driven, smart pooling methodology for COVID-19 testing in Bogota, Colombia