
Awarded Oct 28-2020
Brown University 2020
for use by its School of Public Health in support of developing a tool kit to provide an easily accessible library of assets that promote participation in COVID-19 testing, educate the public about the role of testing, and train officials and their partners in campaigning and engaging with communities around testing
    Awarded Oct 16-2020
    CORE Community Organized Relief Effort 2020
    in support of its communications initiatives for current COVID-19 testing and wrap-around services such as food assistance, and social support, in Fulton County, Georgia
      Awarded Nov 02-2020
      Malaria No More 2020
      toward the costs of launching a guarantee facility through The Health Finance Coalition to unlock working capital for private SME healthcare providers in Africa in response to COVID-19
        Awarded Nov 10-2020
        Detroit Employment Solutions Corporation 2020
        to support its Detroit at Work program to launch the Healthcare Industry Partnership Training Initiative for improved COVID-19 testing capacity for vulnerable communities in Detroit
          Awarded Nov 13-2020
          Testing For America, LLC 2020
          in support of efforts to identify, pay for, and deploy the SalivaDirect protocol COVID-19 tests needed to safely reopen college campuses with a focus on Historically Black Colleges & Universities
            Awarded Sep 23-2020
            Community Initiatives 2020
            for use by its U.S. Digital Response project toward the costs of building data infrastructure for governments across the United States to improve responsiveness to the Covid-19 crisis.
              Awarded Oct 29-2020
              World Health Organization 2020
              In support of developing a global knowledge platform and products to support countries in maintaining the provision of essential health services amid the challenges of resource-intensive COVID-19 pandemic responses
                Awarded Sep 30-2020
                Reagan Udall Foundation 2020
                in support of research to gather real-world data and generate evidence regarding the performance of COVID19 diagnostic and antibody tests
                  Awarded Oct 06-2020
                  The Atlantic Monthly Group LLC 2020
                  in support of collecting, maintaining the integrity of, and releasing open source datasets to track Covid-19 response and recovery