
Awarded Oct 19-2015
in support of executing a “behavior change” themed month at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Italy, July 2016 and collecting and disseminating resulting knowledge assets
    Awarded Oct 13-2015
    in support of outreach activities to enable global social sector leaders and their organizations to make effective use of the Residency and Conference programs at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, thereby developing social sector leadership and catalyzing more effective action towards social impact
      Awarded Aug 05-2015
      Institute of International Education 2015
      in support of administering several activities and programs at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Italy: the semi-annual competitions for Bellagio residents, the Bellagio Travel and Learning Fund, and outreach activities
        Awarded Aug 14-2015
        Burness Communications Inc. 2015
        in support of enhancing the reach, influence and quality of communications related to the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center Resident Fellows’ projects and the work taking place at the Center more collectively so as to extend the benefits of knowledge generated there to wider audiences
          Awarded Aug 14-2015
          toward the costs of developing an online learning program in partnership with The Open University, which will serve to build the skills of development practitioners to innovate solutions that address the needs of poor and vulnerable people
            Awarded Aug 14-2015
            for use by its project, Zakti, toward the costs of implementing a prize that will yield solutions for the Foundation’s Smart Power for Rural Development initiative, and to conduct research and produce a public report about the effectiveness of applying open innovation and prize challenge methodologies to large-scale problems, such as energy poverty and nutrition, experienced by poor and vulnerable people
              Awarded Jul 20-2015
              in support of conducting outreach and selecting African artists as candidates for one-month residencies at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center, Italy
                Awarded Jun 24-2015
                Hattaway Communications, Inc. 2015
                in support of developing and implementing a communications strategy to catalyze innovation and innovation capacity building in the social sector to improve the lives of poor and vulnerable people around the world
                  Awarded Jun 03-2015
                  in support of a project to build the innovation capacity of Social Innovation Labs in the Global South and enable the labs to accelerate the development of innovative solutions to problems faced by poor and vulnerable people