
Awarded Nov 24-2020
Girl Effect 2020
in support of establishing a proof of concept and developing an implementation plan to distribute a COVID-19 vaccine in the community of Kibera in Nairobi, Kenya
    Awarded Dec 01-2020
    Allied Media Projects 2020
    in support of a set of video dispatches documenting the effect of rising Great Lakes levels on Black and Latinx communities in the Midwest
      Awarded Nov 04-2020
      The Urban Ocean Labs 2020
      in support of the planning phase of creating policy solutions for U.S. coastal cities to develop an urban ocean protection, conservation and restoration plan.
        Awarded Nov 12-2020
        New America Foundation 2020
        in support of its Future of Property Rights program to develop strategies for improving housing loss data across the nation and to build a national census tract level dataset of housing loss due to COVID-19, in order to effect evidence-based, systemic policy development that fosters equitable recovery in the United States
          Awarded Sep 15-2020
          Prosperity Now 2020
          in support of the Taxpayer Opportunity Network and other efforts to provide alternative, digital tax filing assistance.
            Awarded Jun 11-2020
            Stanford University 2020
            to support its Center for Advanced Study of the Behavioral Sciences to development a series of research papers, project briefs, and the organization of a virtual convening to determine how to construct systems for AI governance.
              Awarded Jul 06-2020
              University of Toronto 2020
              for use by its Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society in support of developing a series of research papers and project briefs, and organizing a virtual convening to determine how to construct systems for Artificial Intelligence governance
                Awarded Apr 20-2020
                Georgetown University 2020
                for use by its Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation in support of developing shared open source software for states to digitally administer high-priority programs such as paid family and medical leave or unemployment insurance, thereby increasing uptake and access
                  Awarded May 12-2020
                  Georgetown University 2020
                  in support of its Institute for Women, Peace and Security to produce a multimedia report on progress to bridge the gender gap in society in order to inform high-level discussions on gender equality.