
Awarded Mar 22-2019
United Nations Foundation 2019
for use by its Future State Initiative in support of training and outreach on the use and governance of data to promote economic empowerment and democratic values
    Awarded Apr 17-2019
    in support of developing and testing a concept for a "Digital Transformation Accelerator" designed to increase government capabilities for public service digitization
      Awarded Apr 17-2019
      Brookings Institution 2019
      in support of developing practical scenarios and strategic options for the next iterations of the Sustainable Development Goals 17 rooms concept in order to support improved actions for implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
        Awarded Nov 26-2018
        Institute of International Education 2018
        in support of administering several activities and programs at The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Italy: the semi-annual competitions for Bellagio residents, the Bellagio Travel and Learning Fund, and outreach activities
          Awarded Nov 12-2018
          Georgetown University 2018
          for use by its Beeck Center for Social Impact + Innovation in support of launching and coordinating a "Digital State Network," an action-oriented research portfolio, and an open platform for knowledge sharing to help civil servants and policy makers leverage government data and technology ethically and at scale
            Awarded Nov 28-2018
            New America Foundation 2018
            in support of its new initiative, “Digital State Practice,” to develop the next generation of public sector, technology platforms to transform the way governments deliver value for citizens
              Awarded Nov 26-2018
              Khoj International Artists Association 2018
              in support of conducting outreach and nominating Asian artists as candidates for one-month residencies at The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Italy
                Awarded Nov 12-2018
                Wendy Taylor 2018
                in support of a Fellowship to leverage accelerating technologies and data to improve disease surveillance and response, and digitally enabled community health, and further charitable purposes
                  Awarded Jul 03-2018
                  IDFC Foundation 2018
                  in support of its IDFC Institute to develop a capacity-enhancing framework in order to provide citizen-centric public services through the use of data and technology
                    Awarded May 17-2018
                    in support of establishing the Cohort 2030 initiative and planning a related convening at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center to engage next generation leaders to deliver the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development