
Awarded Apr 26-2018
Results for Development 2018
for use by the International Development Innovation Alliance, a network of leading development innovation funders, in support of promoting and advancing innovation as a means of transforming the lives of poor or vulnerable people
    Awarded Oct 27-2017
    Karan Capoor 2017
    in support of a Fellowship to landscape and identify the most promising opportunities to scale energy infrastructure in order to increase energy access to poor people around the world, and further charitable purposes
      Awarded Oct 19-2017
      in support of a Fellowship to landscape opportunities for infrastructure investment in select cities in the U.S. and Asia, and further charitable purposes
        Awarded Nov 17-2017
        toward the costs of establishing the Center for Scientific Evidence in Public Issues in order to provide impartial, evidence-based, rapid-response scientific information relevant to public issues
          Awarded Nov 02-2017
          in support of identifying potential artists for the Arts & Literary Arts Residency Program at The Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Italy
            Awarded Nov 08-2017
            Institute of International Education 2017
            in support of administering a Travel and Learning Fund to facilitate travel and other expenses associated with The Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship program
              Awarded Nov 08-2017
              for use by its Global Health Institute in support of a Fellowship to landscape and identify promising opportunities to improve access to and quality of community-based primary health care through data and other technical tools
                Awarded Nov 17-2017
                Fundación Jumex Arte Contemporáneo 2017
                in support of conducting outreach and nominating Latin American artists as candidates for one-month residencies at the Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Italy
                  Awarded Oct 12-2017
                  in support of a Fellowship to identify the next generation of fundamentals in the life sciences and promote less invasive approaches to disease management, and further charitable purposes
                    Awarded Nov 08-2017
                    Chicago Council on Global Affairs 2017
                    in support of a Fellowship to review the international institutions and programs that could advance humanitarian relief, development and peace, and to identify specific recommendations for governance and organizational changes to improve the effectiveness of international responses to humanitarian challenges