
Awarded Nov 01-2021
Tideline Verification Services 2021
in support of advancing the development, market testing, and public education efforts at BlueMark related to verification of impact performance reports that describe the results associated with activities organizations pursue in order to foster a more just and equitable society
    Awarded Nov 17-2021
    Post Road Foundation 2021
    in support of diligence consultants and operations to complete financial close of its first demonstration project
      Awarded Oct 26-2021
      New Venture Fund 2021
      For use by its Catalytic Capital Consortium Donor Collaborative toward the costs of promoting a more effective use of catalytic capital to realize the full potential of the impact investing field.
        Awarded Nov 05-2020
        ImpactAssets, Inc. 2020
        in support of determining whether The Rockefeller Foundation's seeding of a charitable fund by Blue Forest Conservation to support forest maintenance across the U.S. as a matching gift program through a Donor Advised Fund vehicle will catalyze other impact investors and grant funders to the fund
          Awarded Dec 14-2020
          Acre Capital Limited 2020
          in support of developing an export credit agency impact fund targeting critical social infrastructure in emerging markets around the world that aim to deliver social and environmental benefits for the benefit of certain vulnerable populations (the “Fund”)
            Awarded Aug 31-2020
            Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors 2020
            for use by its Upstart Co-Lab toward the costs of defining and promoting the Inclusive Creative Economy field among the impact investing community
              Awarded Nov 09-2020
              Post Road Foundation 2020
              in support of the expertise needed to finalize the structure of the Post Road Cooperative Fund pilot which focuses on building sustainable digital infrastructure in unserved and low-income U.S. communities to enable remote medical, education, and work capabilities
                Awarded Jul 29-2020
                New Venture Fund 2020
                for use by its Catalytic Capital Consortium Donor Collaborative toward the costs of promoting a more effective use of catalytic capital to realize the full potential of the impact investing field