
Awarded Jul 25-2016
Yunus Social Business GmbH 2016
in support of piloting the Social Success Note, an innovative financing instrument, to enable Impact Water (or a comparable social enterprise) to fund water purification systems in Uganda
    Awarded Sep 09-2016
    in support of developing a database designed to support applications for building economic identities for refugees
      Awarded May 18-2016
      IIX Global Charitable Limited 2016
      in support of monitoring and evaluating the Women’s Livelihood Bond, a replicable social mission bond designed to raise capital to promote economic inclusion and resilience for poor and vulnerable women in South and Southeast Asia
        Awarded Apr 20-2016
        in support of the scale-up of UNITLIFE, a global innovative financing mechanism to fight chronic malnutrition using revenue from micro-levies on natural resources, and developing an operational strategy for deployment of the capital it raises
          Awarded Jul 25-2016
          Lion’s Head Global Partners 2016
          in support of developing green coupons to quantify the carbon impact of projects financed through green bonds
            Awarded Aug 02-2016
            in support of a comprehensive mapping of the linkages between the financial technology industry and sustainable development
              Awarded Nov 03-2015
              University of Oxford 2015
              for use by its Oxford Internet Institute in support of researching the viability of a micro-levy on data to fund solutions to critical social challenges
                Awarded Sep 18-2015
                toward the costs of planning and designing a new sovereign risk pool to insure participating nations in the event of disease outbreaks and epidemics